Saturday, 4 October 2014

EECP as an Alternative to Surgery

EECP, in medical terms, is referred to as enhanced external counter pulsation. In fact, it is the common syndrome associated with coronary heart disease. It is known to occur when the heart does not get enough supply of blood. The symptoms tend to vary, though the common ones are pain in the chest, shortness of breath or dizziness.  This form of treatment scores over other stinting procedures because it is noninvasive and does not carry any risk. It is comfortable and provided in outpatient sessions. Because of this precise reason, it is also known as natural bypass. This form of treatment is safe on all counts and patients occasionally experience slight form of skin irritation. To overcome this, experienced EECP therapists provide extra amount of padding, which is bound to make the patient comfortable. Some other patients may experience fatigue as soon as the session begins, but it slowly subsidizes towards the end of the session. In short, patients are more energized by this form of treatment.
EECP as an Alternative to Surgery

The standard course of this form of treatment is one hour a day, 5 days a week, which needs to be undertaken for seven weeks. Some of the patients are known to undertake this treatment 2 times a day so that they can finish this treatment quickly. Sometimes the treatment sessions are extended by more than 35 sessions, which depend upon the medical condition of the patients. The benefits from this form of treatment tend to emerge from the 15th to the 25th session. Improvement in sleeping patterns, less reliance on medication and increased stamina are some of the important traits, which are noticed. Variations are bound to happen and some patients tend to feel it after the first week of treatment itself.

The benefits of EECP treatment tend to last around 5 years. The outcomes of this form of treatment are virtually same for all surgical procedures. A point noteworthy is that, for a few patients, this form of treatment is not recommended. Typical examples of such form of patients are pregnant women, as well as individuals experiencing blood clot in their legs. This form of treatment improves blood flow throughout the body. If one has a poor leg circulation, they might need more than 35 sessions. In such cases, the patients may require close to 50 sessions to get benefits of the entire program. 

One is encouraged to come for the treatment every session. However, if you miss a session, it in no way means that there is going to be any sort of negative effect. When you are back, the treatment starts from where you have left and the missed treatment will be added towards the end of the session. It is simply as exercise; the more regular one is with this form of treatment, the faster the benefits tend to be.
If you are experiencing any form of heart disease, it is highly suggested to seek the doctor’s advice on EECP if you are eligible to undertake it or not.

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